Saturday, December 1, 2012

Simplicity [Oil and Vinegar Slaw]

Because of the holidays, I've been tweaking and looking forward to the weekends for baking fun and sharing my joy with friends and family. I finally figured out the path of this blog, which I didn't have when I first started. I'm going to go back to simplicity. Straight to the point without all the frills and mimicry I've been subjecting myself too. I don't need the DSLR that I thought I needed to be "popular."

I am a minimalist in life so why shouldn't I apply what I am to my online personality as well? The reason I loved to blog was to share what I learned from recipes and the happiness I felt from feeding others. For the last 2 and a half years, I spent more time taking photos trying to copy and match other popular food bloggers. My personality wasn't in it. I was simply replicating. Now I am ready to blog my way: the simple way without the bells and whistle. What better way to start than a simple oil and vinegar slaw.

Oil and Vinegar Slaw

Note: This is simple, but the flavor goes great in sandwiches. It cuts the grease in heavier meats. I made mine with a turkey patty seasoned with smokey BBQ spice rub and a bit of whole grain dijon mustard on toast.

1/2 head of a small cabbage, sliced thinly
4 TBSP white vinegar
1 TBSP canola oil
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp sugar
1/8 tsp salt

  1. Mix white vinegar, oil, black pepper, sugar, and salt.
  2. Pour over sliced cabbage and mix.
  3. Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Mix every 3 or 4 hours to redistribute the sauce.
  4. Enjoy! Feel free to add more pepper or salt to taste.

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